On Behalf of developers | June 29, 2020 | Debt Relief
Mention a hefty medical bill you can’t afford to a group of people and it’s almost guaranteed that someone is going to roll out that old chestnut of advice and say, “Just pay $5 a month on it forever. They can’t do anything to you as long as you keep paying.” If that were true,… Continue reading Can you really just pay $5 a month on a medical bill forever?...
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On Behalf of developers | June 20, 2020 | Bankruptcy
Should your finances take a turn for the worse, there may come a point in the near future when you ponder the pros and cons of bankruptcy. Before you decide in favor of or against bankruptcy, it’s critical to answer a variety of questions as they pertain to your situation. Here are a few that… Continue reading Considering bankruptcy? You’re likely to have questions...
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On Behalf of developers | June 19, 2020 | Bankruptcy
If you’re over 65 and you’re still waking up at dawn to go to work, there’s a good chance that it’s because you need the money. According to a survey by Provision Living, which is a company behind senior living communities, 60% of employees working during what used to be considered the retirement years aren’t there… Continue reading Why older people are working longer...
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On Behalf of developers | June 10, 2020 | Bankruptcy
There are dozens of myths about bankruptcy that don’t have any basis today. Sometimes, myths were created out of a misunderstanding of the purpose of bankruptcy. Sometimes, it’s a result of changes in laws over time that bankruptcy is misunderstood. It’s important that you know what bankruptcy is and isn’t, so you can make wise… Continue reading Learn the truth about these 3 bankruptcy myths ...
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On Behalf of developers | May 29, 2020 | Foreclosure
With the economy languishing for the past few months, many feared that an absolute wave of foreclosures was coming. This happened the last time that there was a recession, after all, and it felt like the same thing could just repeat itself a bit over 10 years later. After all, many people have lost their… Continue reading Report shows that foreclosures may not happen as often as feared...
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On Behalf of developers | May 21, 2020 | Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Most individuals considering bankruptcy will either file to Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, although there are many other kinds of available as well. One of the features that set Chapter 13 bankruptcy apart from Chapter 7 is the requirement for filers to complete a repayment plan as part of Chapter 13 proceedings. Those who… Continue reading How does a Chapter 13 repayment plan work during bankruptcy?...
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On Behalf of developers | May 18, 2020 | Bankruptcy
Medical bills are one of the many factors that can lead Americans to file for bankruptcy protection. The high cost of care coupled with the rise in normal living expenses is leading some individuals to wonder how they are going to make ends meet. This is especially true when they are unable to work as… Continue reading Understand these points about medical bankruptcy...
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On Behalf of developers | May 8, 2020 | Foreclosure
Nobody wants to be evicted. The thought of being forced from the home that your family has occupied for years is heartrending. If you’ve missed mortgage payments and it doesn’t look like you’ll be able to catch up, you probably worry that foreclosure is unavoidable — but that may not be the case. The following… Continue reading Taking these steps may help save your home...
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On Behalf of developers | May 3, 2020 | Foreclosure
If you are a glass-half-empty kind of person, then an imminent foreclosure feels like the end of the world. If you are more of a glass-half-full person, you might try to look at foreclosure in a more positive light. The truth is, any situation, even those with life-changing consequences, might have a silver lining if… Continue reading Are foreclosures ever beneficial to those in debt?...
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On Behalf of developers | May 1, 2020 | Foreclosure
When you’re short on money, you have to prioritize the bills — and your mortgage payment may take a back seat to your grocery bill and utilities. Eventually, however, the bank may threaten foreclosure if you don’t catch up. Can bankruptcy help? Here are some of the things you should know about bankruptcy and foreclosure: You… Continue reading How does bankruptcy affect foreclosure?...
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