Helping Good People Get Out Of Bad Situations

Author: developers

Can the automatic stay help you?

On Behalf of developers | April 22, 2020 | Bankruptcy

When a consumer files for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, the court issues an automatic stay that prevents creditors from trying to collect on debts. This effectively puts a halt on written demands, as well as phone calls, emails and personal visits. Some filers appreciate this because it takes away one of the big… Continue reading Can the automatic stay help you?...
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Bankruptcy could help if you’ve lost your job

On Behalf of developers | April 10, 2020 | Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

You never expected to be in the position you’re in today. You’ve always worked hard, and you had put away enough savings to take care of yourself for three months if you lost your job. You never thought that you’d lose your job and be unable to find a new one within that time.  Unfortunately,… Continue reading Bankruptcy could help if you’ve lost your job...
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Try these options to get out of debt and back on track

On Behalf of developers | April 3, 2020 | Debt Relief

It’s important that people aren’t in a position where they have to struggle when they don’t have to be. As someone who has been struggling financially, you know what it’s like to worry about where you’re getting your next paycheck or how you’re going to pay your bills. It’s easy for other people to tell… Continue reading Try these options to get out of debt and back on track...
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What can Chapter 7 bankruptcy do for you?

On Behalf of developers | March 31, 2020 | Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

As you review your finances, you may soon come to the conclusion that you’re facing a long uphill battle. Even with the best intentions, you may find it nearly impossible to make efficient progress in a timely manner. Should you find yourself in this position, Chapter 7 bankruptcy is well worth your consideration. Even if… Continue reading What can Chapter 7 bankruptcy do for you?...
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Tips for using credit cards properly

On Behalf of developers | March 27, 2020 | Debt Relief

Credit card debt is one of the biggest reasons that people turn to bankruptcy. This gives rise to the myth that credit cards are always a bad idea and that you should avoid them at all costs. That’s not always true. One of the best ways to build your credit back up after bankruptcy, for… Continue reading Tips for using credit cards properly...
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Getting a handle on your family’s medical debt

On Behalf of developers | March 25, 2020 | Debt Relief

Of all the different types of debt one can accumulate, medical debt is often the most troubling. Families worry about how they can get future medical care when they are already drowning in debt. When such debt is accompanied by other insurmountable bills, it can lead to crippling and indecisive behavior. Getting a handle on… Continue reading Getting a handle on your family’s medical debt...
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Debt and a pandemic: Everything is changing

On Behalf of developers | March 18, 2020 | Medical Debt

If there is one thing that is true, it’s that a pandemic changes people’s lives. Coronavirus has turned America upside down, and the economic fallout could be substantial. People who perhaps never thought they’d need to have health insurance or to cover a severe injury at their age could find themselves with significant medical debt. There… Continue reading Debt and a pandemic: Everything is changing...
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Know important garnishment points

On Behalf of developers | March 3, 2020 | Debt Relief

When you owe debts and aren’t paying on them, the creditor might opt to take you to court. One outcome of this is when the court issues a wage garnishment. This means that the creditor receives a court order to have a portion of your pay sent to them instead of it going to you.… Continue reading Know important garnishment points...
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Post-bankruptcy budgeting tips

On Behalf of developers | February 28, 2020 | Bankruptcy

With either Chapter 13 bankruptcy or Chapter 7, you want to create a budget for your post-bankruptcy life. It’s crucial with Chapter 13 since you have a repayment plan based on what you can afford. Even with Chapter 7, though, which gives you a fresh start and liquidates assets, you still want to create a… Continue reading Post-bankruptcy budgeting tips...
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Know these Chapter 7 bankruptcy requirements

On Behalf of developers | February 27, 2020 | Bankruptcy

A Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing enables you to have your debts wiped out without you having to make payments to the bankruptcy trustee to help pay them off. There are specific requirements for filing a Chapter 7, so it is imperative that anyone considering this option takes the time to ensure they have everything in order… Continue reading Know these Chapter 7 bankruptcy requirements...
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