Helping Good People Get Out Of Bad Situations

Author: developers

Can your car get repossessed right out of the garage?

On Behalf of developers | October 25, 2018 | Bankruptcy,Debt Relief

You’re behind on your car payments, and it’s significant. It’s not as if you missed one month because you forgot or fell behind on other bills. Your financial situation is not that stable, you have a lot of other debt and you have not paid your car payment in a while. You can’t even remember… Continue reading Can your car get repossessed right out of the garage?...
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Options to reduce credit card costs

On Behalf of developers | October 13, 2018 | Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Many people in Mississippi who find themselves with increasing levels of credit card debt may often wonder how in the world they can eventually make their debt decline instead of continue to grow. Even when making payments every month, interest rates, annual card fees or late fees can counteract their best efforts to get out… Continue reading Options to reduce credit card costs...
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The price of medical care: What you should know

On Behalf of developers | October 7, 2018 | Medical Debt

You may think that if you went to the emergency room in Mississippi seeking treatment for a broken leg that your expenses would be comparable to if you were seek medical help for the same injury in Arizona. Interestingly enough, medical expenses vary from state to state, depending on what type of service you are… Continue reading The price of medical care: What you should know...
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Getting a mortgage after Chapter 7

On Behalf of developers | October 6, 2018 | Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Residents in Mississippi who struggle with unmanageable levels of debt may try to avoid filing for bankruptcy for many reasons. Some people may feel that seeking bankruptcy relief is a sign of personal failure. Others worry that the black mark they may receive on their credit reports may preclude them from getting credit again in… Continue reading Getting a mortgage after Chapter 7...
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Should I try to fast forward my Chapter 13 debt payment?

On Behalf of developers | September 27, 2018 | Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Sometimes financial fortunes in Mississippi can change quickly. You have received a large inheritance, or maybe your boss has given you a robust holiday bonus and even a big raise. No matter the reason, if you are in the middle of a Chapter 13 bankruptcy and have received a big financial windfall, you may want… Continue reading Should I try to fast forward my Chapter 13 debt payment?...
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1 way that bankruptcy makes you a good risk to lenders

On Behalf of developers | September 25, 2018 | Bankruptcy,Debt Relief

Those who consider filing for bankruptcy often worry about their credit score and whether they will be able to get loans in the future. After all, as Americans, credit is just a way of life. We take out mortgages to buy homes. We take out loans on new and used vehicles. We use credit cards… Continue reading 1 way that bankruptcy makes you a good risk to lenders...
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Financial challenges for divorcing women

On Behalf of developers | September 21, 2018 | Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

If you are a woman in Mississippi facing an impending divorce, in the midst of a divorce or even already divorced, you may find yourself in a difficult financial situation that you never before imagined. There may be many reasons for this including the fact that you and your partner or former partner now must… Continue reading Financial challenges for divorcing women...
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Medical bills not always accurate

On Behalf of developers | September 18, 2018 | Medical Debt

People in Mississippi have often been taught to appropriately respect health care professionals and those who support them. This respect may be warranted in many cases but should not prevent a person from making sure they fully understand the bills they receive from doctors, labs, hospitals or other providers and facilities. In fact, careful review… Continue reading Medical bills not always accurate...
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Mississippi has fourth highest bankruptcy filing

On Behalf of developers | September 16, 2018 | Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

People in Mississippi who are struggling to pay their bills and still provide for their families are not alone. New data shows that the state has the fourth highest rate of bankruptcy filings nationwide. In addition, the number of individuals and businesses that have filed for bankruptcy is on the rise. As reported by AutoRemarketing, Mississippi saw… Continue reading Mississippi has fourth highest bankruptcy filing...
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Older millennials saddled with high credit card debt

On Behalf of developers | September 3, 2018 | Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Residents in Mississippi who are struggling to make ends meet every month and end up seeing their debt increase instead of decrease may start to consider bankruptcy as an option. Certainly, this can help and deciding which type of bankruptcy to file for will depend in large part on the type of debt a person… Continue reading Older millennials saddled with high credit card debt...
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