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Jackson Mississippi Bankruptcy Law Blog

Calculation error led to numerous foreclosures

On Behalf of developers | November 25, 2018 | Foreclosure

Homeowners in Mississippi who are struggling to stay current with their mortgage payments can understandably be concerned about the potential prospect of losing their homes if they cannot find a solution to their financial challenges. One option that has helped some people over the years is a home loan modification. This involves working with the bank… Continue reading Calculation error led to numerous foreclosures...
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Understanding the bankruptcy means test

On Behalf of developers | November 14, 2018 | Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

As a resident of Michigan or Illinois who finds yourself facing an increasingly overwhelming amount of debt, you may be weighing your options and trying to determine the best and most effective way of rebuilding your financial affairs. At Pond Law Firm, we understand that, for some people, filing for bankruptcy can streamline the process of… Continue reading Understanding the bankruptcy means test...
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Who is most burdened by medical debt?

On Behalf of developers | November 6, 2018 | Medical Debt

The healthcare costs in this country are a constant topic of conversation. They seem to be rising at alarming rates with no end in sight. For this reason, many people in Mississippi are stuck with large amounts of medical debt. However, what group seems to be most affected may be surprising to you. According to… Continue reading Who is most burdened by medical debt?...
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Chapter 7 bankruptcy can wipe the slate clean

On Behalf of developers | October 30, 2018 | Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy can be a scary concept for debtors in Mississippi. We at Pond Law Firm know that many people are afraid to file for bankruptcy for fear of losing everything or looking like a failure in the eyes of others. However, bankruptcy laws are there for your benefit. Bankruptcy is not a failure but an opportunity to… Continue reading Chapter 7 bankruptcy can wipe the slate clean...
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Can you prevent foreclosure?

On Behalf of developers | October 27, 2018 | Foreclosure

When you lose your job in Mississippi, you may wonder if you will lose your home because you can no longer pay the mortgage. It is important to take action as soon as you become unemployed so you can examine all of your options. Sometimes you may feel tempted to ignore the mortgage while you… Continue reading Can you prevent foreclosure?...
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Can your car get repossessed right out of the garage?

On Behalf of developers | October 25, 2018 | Bankruptcy,Debt Relief

You’re behind on your car payments, and it’s significant. It’s not as if you missed one month because you forgot or fell behind on other bills. Your financial situation is not that stable, you have a lot of other debt and you have not paid your car payment in a while. You can’t even remember… Continue reading Can your car get repossessed right out of the garage?...
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Options to reduce credit card costs

On Behalf of developers | October 13, 2018 | Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Many people in Mississippi who find themselves with increasing levels of credit card debt may often wonder how in the world they can eventually make their debt decline instead of continue to grow. Even when making payments every month, interest rates, annual card fees or late fees can counteract their best efforts to get out… Continue reading Options to reduce credit card costs...
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The price of medical care: What you should know

On Behalf of developers | October 7, 2018 | Medical Debt

You may think that if you went to the emergency room in Mississippi seeking treatment for a broken leg that your expenses would be comparable to if you were seek medical help for the same injury in Arizona. Interestingly enough, medical expenses vary from state to state, depending on what type of service you are… Continue reading The price of medical care: What you should know...
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Getting a mortgage after Chapter 7

On Behalf of developers | October 6, 2018 | Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Residents in Mississippi who struggle with unmanageable levels of debt may try to avoid filing for bankruptcy for many reasons. Some people may feel that seeking bankruptcy relief is a sign of personal failure. Others worry that the black mark they may receive on their credit reports may preclude them from getting credit again in… Continue reading Getting a mortgage after Chapter 7...
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Should I try to fast forward my Chapter 13 debt payment?

On Behalf of developers | September 27, 2018 | Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Sometimes financial fortunes in Mississippi can change quickly. You have received a large inheritance, or maybe your boss has given you a robust holiday bonus and even a big raise. No matter the reason, if you are in the middle of a Chapter 13 bankruptcy and have received a big financial windfall, you may want… Continue reading Should I try to fast forward my Chapter 13 debt payment?...
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