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Jackson Mississippi Bankruptcy Law Blog

1 way that bankruptcy makes you a good risk to lenders

On Behalf of developers | September 25, 2018 | Bankruptcy,Debt Relief

Those who consider filing for bankruptcy often worry about their credit score and whether they will be able to get loans in the future. After all, as Americans, credit is just a way of life. We take out mortgages to buy homes. We take out loans on new and used vehicles. We use credit cards… Continue reading 1 way that bankruptcy makes you a good risk to lenders...
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Financial challenges for divorcing women

On Behalf of developers | September 21, 2018 | Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

If you are a woman in Mississippi facing an impending divorce, in the midst of a divorce or even already divorced, you may find yourself in a difficult financial situation that you never before imagined. There may be many reasons for this including the fact that you and your partner or former partner now must… Continue reading Financial challenges for divorcing women...
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Medical bills not always accurate

On Behalf of developers | September 18, 2018 | Medical Debt

People in Mississippi have often been taught to appropriately respect health care professionals and those who support them. This respect may be warranted in many cases but should not prevent a person from making sure they fully understand the bills they receive from doctors, labs, hospitals or other providers and facilities. In fact, careful review… Continue reading Medical bills not always accurate...
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Mississippi has fourth highest bankruptcy filing

On Behalf of developers | September 16, 2018 | Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

People in Mississippi who are struggling to pay their bills and still provide for their families are not alone. New data shows that the state has the fourth highest rate of bankruptcy filings nationwide. In addition, the number of individuals and businesses that have filed for bankruptcy is on the rise. As reported by AutoRemarketing, Mississippi saw… Continue reading Mississippi has fourth highest bankruptcy filing...
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Older millennials saddled with high credit card debt

On Behalf of developers | September 3, 2018 | Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Residents in Mississippi who are struggling to make ends meet every month and end up seeing their debt increase instead of decrease may start to consider bankruptcy as an option. Certainly, this can help and deciding which type of bankruptcy to file for will depend in large part on the type of debt a person… Continue reading Older millennials saddled with high credit card debt...
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Bankruptcy: The right choice when you lose financial footing?

On Behalf of developers | August 30, 2018 | Bankruptcy,Debt Relief

Bankruptcy is something you may not want to have to use in your life, but there are many times when it’s necessary. For someone who suddenly lost a job and hasn’t been able to find work, suffered a life-altering disability or has other financial problems as a result of their lifestyle, a bankruptcy could be… Continue reading Bankruptcy: The right choice when you lose financial footing?...
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Careful review of medical bills urged

On Behalf of developers | August 19, 2018 | Medical Debt

The cost of health care in America is a concern for everyone. Even residents in Mississippi who have what would be considered good health care insurance coverage are likely to end up with some out-of-pocket medical costs each year. For many, these expenses that are not covered by insurance can put an enormous strain on… Continue reading Careful review of medical bills urged...
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Medical costs related to spike in senior bankruptcy

On Behalf of developers | August 18, 2018 | Medical Debt

People in Mississippi who find themselves saddled with high medical debt are far from alone it seems according to the results of a study published recently. As reported by Business Insider, the study was conducted by the Consumer Bankruptcy Project and found serious concerns about the financial status of baby boomers and noted that the rising cost… Continue reading Medical costs related to spike in senior bankruptcy...
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Home ownership after a foreclosure

On Behalf of developers | August 4, 2018 | Foreclosure

For many decades now, owning a home has been a primary part of the American dream and a sign of some semblance of success in life. It stands to reason then that people in Mississippi who lost their homes via foreclosures likely experienced significant disappointments in addition to their financial stresses and challenges. However, they… Continue reading Home ownership after a foreclosure...
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How to rebound financially after a bankruptcy

On Behalf of developers | July 26, 2018 | Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Many people in Mississippi who struggle with high levels of debt might have thought about filing for bankruptcy but then not done anything about it because of fears that it might ruin them financially forever. This is far from the truth. In reality, bankruptcy is designed to not only help consumers get our from under… Continue reading How to rebound financially after a bankruptcy...
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