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Jackson Mississippi Bankruptcy Law Blog

Medical debt in Mississippi

On Behalf of developers | April 3, 2018 | Medical Debt

One of today’s biggest issues revolves around Americans and crippling amounts of medical debt. Not just a problem for a small percentage of the population, medical debt now affects millions. Mississippi is no exception to this struggle, as the state has become home to the highest medical debt in the country. Will this unsettling statistic change… Continue reading Medical debt in Mississippi...
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The stages of foreclosure and borrower’s options

On Behalf of developers | April 1, 2018 | Foreclosure

When buying a home in Mississippi, the thought of losing it to financial hardship is likely the furthest thing from one’s mind. However, life can throw curve balls to people that they would never have been able to see coming and these things may well put homeowners in the position of being vulnerable to foreclosure.… Continue reading The stages of foreclosure and borrower’s options...
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Chapter 7 vs 13 bankruptcies

On Behalf of developers | March 21, 2018 | Chapter 13 Bankruptcy,Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Finding that one’s financial outlook is in a state of limbo can open the door to a world of stress. Mississippi residents already facing this daunting obstacle understand the severity of an economic crisis. While the right solution can depend entirely on one’s financial goals and situation, oftentimes bankruptcy can come to the rescue. Many… Continue reading Chapter 7 vs 13 bankruptcies...
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What does it mean to have a lien against my home?

On Behalf of developers | March 16, 2018 | Foreclosure

You are either facing a foreclosure or getting ready to sell your house, and you get a notice that you have a lien against your property. Understandably, this may cause you some concern. What exactly is a lien, and how can it affect you? It may help you and other Mississippi homeowners to know how… Continue reading What does it mean to have a lien against my home?...
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Getting through a chapter 13 bankruptcy

On Behalf of developers | March 8, 2018 | Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

There are many challenging aspects to personal financial management, but bankruptcy can be among the most overwhelming. Mississippi residents currently facing this obstacle may be wondering what might happen to their properties, their vehicles and their futures. Filing for bankruptcy can be a frightening time, but there are basics to be aware of when beginning… Continue reading Getting through a chapter 13 bankruptcy...
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4 benefits of bankruptcy

On Behalf of developers | March 2, 2018 | Bankruptcy

If you are like most people, you probably think that bankruptcy is something that should be avoided at all costs. But, if you have recently found yourself behind on car payments or maybe the mortgage on your home in Jackson, and you are running out of options to get your debt under control, bankruptcy could… Continue reading 4 benefits of bankruptcy...
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Bankruptcy filing data shows ongoing needs

On Behalf of developers | February 25, 2018 | Bankruptcy,Uncategorized

Many people may believe that once a recession has been declared over and most economic indicators point to a positive economy, the need for personal bankruptcy no longer exists. This could not be further from the truth and plenty of Mississippi residents are all too aware of their continued need for debt relief. As explained… Continue reading Bankruptcy filing data shows ongoing needs...
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What is a bankruptcy trustee?

On Behalf of developers | February 18, 2018 | Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

If you are one of the many residents in Mississippi who has reached the point of realizing that your debt levels are higher than you can effectively manage on your own, you might be looking at filing for bankruptcy to help you out. A bankruptcy certainly has helped many people before you restore their financial… Continue reading What is a bankruptcy trustee?...
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Health care costs a major factor in bankruptcies

On Behalf of developers | February 14, 2018 | Bankruptcy,Medical Debt

Whether insured or uninsured, it is not uncommon for people in Mississippi to struggle to pay costs associated with health care. In fact, the Kaiser Family Foundation indicated that medical debt is the single biggest reason that consumers in the United States seek debt relief from bankruptcy. It is estimated that more than one in four… Continue reading Health care costs a major factor in bankruptcies...
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Buying a home after a bankruptcy

On Behalf of developers | February 10, 2018 | Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Even though the great recession was several years ago now, many people in Mississippi continue to face the consequences of the financial problems they experienced during that event. Part of this is because the after-effects lasted for a while. A lot of consumers tried to make things work during the hardest part of the recession… Continue reading Buying a home after a bankruptcy...
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