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Jackson Mississippi Bankruptcy Law Blog

How do Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 impact various debts?

On Behalf of developers | February 5, 2018 | Chapter 13 Bankruptcy,Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

You’re trying to decide between Chapter 7 bankruptcy and Chapter 13. What are the differences and how do they impact your debts? The first thing you should know is that you may not be eligible for both. For instance, you can earn too much to qualify for Chapter 7. Assuming you do have a choice,… Continue reading How do Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 impact various debts?...
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What should you know about Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

On Behalf of developers | February 1, 2018 | Bankruptcy

Choosing to file for bankruptcy in Mississippi is a big decision. Once you have made this choice and decided to file for Chapter 7, you may think there is little else you need to do. However, there is much more to this process and it is important for you to understand the fine details. Once… Continue reading What should you know about Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?...
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How can you dig yourself out of medical debt?

On Behalf of developers | January 26, 2018 | Medical Debt

Unfortunately for many residents in Mississippi, one medical emergency could easily send you spiraling into debt. While it might seem like an impossible pit to climb out of at first, there are actually several ways that you can start tackling your debt today. AOL offers four potential ways to handle medical debt, each serving a different possible… Continue reading How can you dig yourself out of medical debt?...
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How can you pay off medical debt?

On Behalf of developers | January 19, 2018 | Medical Debt

Mississippi residents like you only need to suffer from one medical emergency to potentially find yourself in medical debt. Once you’re in that situation, getting out of it again can be tough, but it’s still possible. Credit Karma showcases a few of the many different ways to handle medical debt, citing some benefits and drawbacks for… Continue reading How can you pay off medical debt?...
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Is a zombie threatening your credit score?

On Behalf of developers | January 18, 2018 | Foreclosure

The recession is behind us, and so, it would seem, is the worst of the housing market fall. However, you and many other Mississippi residents may continue to feel the bite of unresolved financial issues, especially if you are facing a foreclosure or have walked away from your mortgage. Foreclosed homes that are owned by… Continue reading Is a zombie threatening your credit score?...
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Bankruptcy, mortgages and foreclosures in a divorce

On Behalf of developers | January 9, 2018 | Foreclosure

Among the many concerns spouses in Mississippi may have when getting divorced is how to best handle a home they own together. Perhaps one of the most common things to do in this situation is to sell the house during the divorce. However, not everyone wants to do this and therefore it is important to… Continue reading Bankruptcy, mortgages and foreclosures in a divorce...
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5 top reasons bankruptcy strikes

On Behalf of developers | January 3, 2018 | Bankruptcy

You never thought you’d go bankrupt. You always tried to be smart with money. You tried to avoid common pitfalls. You scoffed at people who made obvious mistakes. That’s why it feels so strange to find yourself sitting in your car in the driveway, thinking about whether or not you need to find out more… Continue reading 5 top reasons bankruptcy strikes...
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Understanding the Chapter 7 means test

On Behalf of developers | December 23, 2017 | Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

It is easy to think that you are unique in your struggles with debt. This may prompt you to shy away from seeking advice and assistance from others in Jackson due to the perceived stigma associated with financial troubles. Many clients have come to us here at the Pond Law Firm with the same assumption only to… Continue reading Understanding the Chapter 7 means test...
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Will I lose my home if I file Chapter 7 bankruptcy?

On Behalf of developers | December 21, 2017 | Chapter 7 Bankruptcy,Foreclosure

For many individuals who consider filing bankruptcy, there is a concern that they will lose their property – particularly their home. While other assets can be replenished over time, a house typically comes with emotional attachments that are irreplaceable and difficult to lose. While Chapter 13 bankruptcy can be a helpful option for individuals seeking to… Continue reading Will I lose my home if I file Chapter 7 bankruptcy?...
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What are the basics of Chapter 7 bankruptcy?

On Behalf of developers | December 15, 2017 | Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

When Mississippi residents like you are struggling with debt, you may be tempted to take any road you can to dig yourself out of it. Fortunately, the Pond Law Firm is here to offer a helping hand. For example, if you’re looking into Chapter 7 bankruptcy, we provide you with what you need to know to decide… Continue reading What are the basics of Chapter 7 bankruptcy?...
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