On Behalf of developers | September 10, 2017 | Bankruptcy,Chapter 13 Bankruptcy,Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Are you one of the many residents in Mississippi who are facing serious levels of debt that you can no longer effectively manage on your own? If so, you may have given thought to filing for bankruptcy. While certainly a personal bankruptcy may offer you the chance to get back on your financial feet, it… Continue reading Choosing the right type of bankruptcy...
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On Behalf of developers | September 4, 2017 | Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Even in the midst of a relatively healthy national economy, many consumers in Mississippi continue to find themselves struggling to get out from under high piles of debt. If you are one of the people plagued by debt and expenses that you cannot get ahead of, you may be wanting to know if a bankruptcy… Continue reading Understanding Chapter 13 bankruptcy...
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On Behalf of developers | August 30, 2017 | Medical Debt
Surgeries often come with a variety of complications, including challenging physical therapy and alternative, doctor-ordered regimens. Yet millions of Americans also face medical debt post-surgery — debt that can linger for years after a medical procedure. This type of financial predicament is no stranger to the state of Mississippi, which is known for having the highest… Continue reading Medical debt: an end in sight?...
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On Behalf of developers | August 25, 2017 | Bankruptcy,Debt Relief
We sometimes have clients who are still dealing with bill collectors even though they have had property repossessed (such as a car or a boat) and the creditors are still trying to collect on the debt. The lender may also have “charged off” the loan, but the collection calls still come. For a consumer dealing… Continue reading Can creditors still collect after a repossession?...
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On Behalf of developers | August 21, 2017 | Bankruptcy
Filing for bankruptcy is a major life decision, and one that doesn’t come easy. The burden of financial stress can be overbearing and a lot to overcome. You’ve heard there are certain benefits to bankruptcy, but fear the negative impact it could have on your financial future. Like most people considering bankruptcy, you probably have… Continue reading Frequently Asked Questions About Bankruptcy...
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On Behalf of developers | August 16, 2017 | Bankruptcy,Debt Relief,Foreclosure
When you bought your first home, you were thrilled to tell everyone that you were finally a homeowner. It had been your dream for 10 years and you made it happen. But are you really a homeowner? If you saved up the money and bought that house outright, then you are. If you took out… Continue reading Are you actually a homeowner?...
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On Behalf of developers | August 11, 2017 | Medical Debt
Medical debt can hurt almost as much as the condition causing it. As many as 43 million Americans have a medical bill in collections that has negatively affected their credit, according to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The average amount in question was only $579, compared to $1,000 for non-medical debt. Even with the relatively… Continue reading New reporting rule will help with medical debt on credit reports...
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On Behalf of developers | August 1, 2017 | Debt Relief
Going to college is something to be proud of. Continuing your education is important to your future. You plan to study hard and graduate. Your endgame is to get a respectable job in your field. College is also expensive. There are options available to college students who qualify. Some students get scholarships and others get… Continue reading Don’t let college debt bury your future...
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On Behalf of developers | May 4, 2017 | Bankruptcy
As debt racks up, you spend more and more time thinking about bankruptcy. You know that something has to happen, and soon. The problem is that you have heard a lot of bankruptcy myths over the years. You do not feel confident about how the process works. You know you have to learn more before… Continue reading 5 bankruptcy myths and misconceptions...
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