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Jackson Mississippi Bankruptcy Law Blog

Wage garnishment will likely only worsen your debt issues

On Behalf of developers | December 21, 2021 | Debt Relief

If you have fallen so far behind on your payments that creditors want to take you to court, you may not have enough income to cover all of your bills every month. Just trying to make the monthly minimum payments on all of your accounts may become prohibitively difficult. Unfortunately, the companies that want you… Continue reading Wage garnishment will likely only worsen your debt issues...
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It’s official: Americans are drowning in medical bills

On Behalf of developers | December 6, 2021 | Bankruptcy

It has been widely estimated that consumers have been shouldering around $81 billion in medical debt that they can’t afford to pay. The reality is much, much worse. Stanford study indicates that medical debt is a much bigger problem than thought That $81 billion figure has been frequently cited, but a study by a Stanford… Continue reading It’s official: Americans are drowning in medical bills...
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Bankruptcy does not mean you’re irresponsible

On Behalf of developers | November 20, 2021 | Bankruptcy

One of the most common myths about bankruptcy is that it means you’re irresponsible. People assume that you have to file because you made critical financial mistakes that you should have avoided, but you were too reckless with your spending. This does happen on occasion, but it’s a myth that this is why most people… Continue reading Bankruptcy does not mean you’re irresponsible...
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The Chapter 7 bankruptcy means test

On Behalf of developers | November 16, 2021 | Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

A key part of filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Mississippi is passing the means test. The means test is a two-part test to determine whether you qualify for bankruptcy relief. In other words, can you afford to repay your debts with the amount of disposable income you have? The means test has two parts, but the… Continue reading The Chapter 7 bankruptcy means test...
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Don’t confuse “dismissal” and “discharge” in bankruptcy

On Behalf of developers | November 6, 2021 | Bankruptcy

If you’re considering bankruptcy and starting to do some research on the subject, you likely have seen the terms “dismissal” and “discharge.” They might sound like the same thing, but they’re anything but that. If you file Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you want to discharge as many of your debts as possible. When a debt is discharged,… Continue reading Don’t confuse “dismissal” and “discharge” in bankruptcy...
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Does bankruptcy hurt your ability to get a job?

On Behalf of developers | October 22, 2021 | Bankruptcy

Have you been considering the pros and cons of filing for bankruptcy and been concerned that one of the major cons might be its effect on your ability to get a job – or even a new position with your current employer – in the future?  You may know that a Chapter 7 bankruptcy will remain on… Continue reading Does bankruptcy hurt your ability to get a job?...
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How can filing for bankruptcy help you keep your car?

On Behalf of developers | October 12, 2021 | Bankruptcy

Cars are expensive to run. If you are struggling to pay your debts, keeping your vehicle fuelled and keeping up with its payments may be challenging. Yet, as well as being something that consumes your money, your car may help you earn it. You might use your vehicle to get to work. Or, if you… Continue reading How can filing for bankruptcy help you keep your car?...
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Can student loans be discharged in bankruptcy?

On Behalf of developers | October 6, 2021 | Bankruptcy

People in Mississippi often struggle with significant debt, often including student loans. Student loan debt has even become a major issue for many people, especially when their income makes it difficult to impossible to pay them back. The burden of student loans may be particularly overwhelming when combined with other types of financial obligations, such… Continue reading Can student loans be discharged in bankruptcy?...
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How to prepare a Chapter 13 payment plan

On Behalf of developers | September 24, 2021 | Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a legal action that involves submitting a plan of repayment with the assistance of a lawyer. If the plan receives court approval and regular payments are made throughout the three to five years, any debts that are leftover are often discharged. When bankruptcy is used properly, it can be a highly… Continue reading How to prepare a Chapter 13 payment plan...
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Federal law protects you from creditor harassment

On Behalf of developers | September 18, 2021 | Bankruptcy

Creditors keep hounding you. It is not that they need to remind you about your financial dire straits. You already know that and plan to address it. Now, as you consider your options such as filing for bankruptcy, you also must deal with these nearly non-stop communiques – phone calls, letters, emails and even texts… Continue reading Federal law protects you from creditor harassment...
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