On Behalf of developers | October 25, 2018 | Bankruptcy,Debt Relief
You’re behind on your car payments, and it’s significant. It’s not as if you missed one month because you forgot or fell behind on other bills. Your financial situation is not that stable, you have a lot of other debt and you have not paid your car payment in a while. You can’t even remember… Continue reading Can your car get repossessed right out of the garage?...
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On Behalf of developers | September 25, 2018 | Bankruptcy,Debt Relief
Those who consider filing for bankruptcy often worry about their credit score and whether they will be able to get loans in the future. After all, as Americans, credit is just a way of life. We take out mortgages to buy homes. We take out loans on new and used vehicles. We use credit cards… Continue reading 1 way that bankruptcy makes you a good risk to lenders...
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On Behalf of developers | August 30, 2018 | Bankruptcy,Debt Relief
Bankruptcy is something you may not want to have to use in your life, but there are many times when it’s necessary. For someone who suddenly lost a job and hasn’t been able to find work, suffered a life-altering disability or has other financial problems as a result of their lifestyle, a bankruptcy could be… Continue reading Bankruptcy: The right choice when you lose financial footing?...
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On Behalf of developers | July 1, 2018 | Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy is a huge financial decision to make. When you are faced with this possibility, you might find that everyone has some advice, opinions or cautionary tales. It is important for you to vet these before you heed them. There are many misconceptions about what bankruptcy entails. Before you decide that you are going to file… Continue reading Common myths about bankruptcy you shouldn’t believe...
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On Behalf of developers | June 4, 2018 | Bankruptcy
You went to medical school, at an incredible personal cost. Tuition just kept climbing, but this was your dream. You fought for it. Plus, once you started, dropping out due to the high cost would leave you with nothing. You took on more and more loans. In addition, you could not work and go to… Continue reading Can you lose a professional license after filing for bankruptcy?...
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On Behalf of developers | April 28, 2018 | Bankruptcy
According to data from Yellowbrick reported by CheatSheet, more than one-third of people under the age of 40 find themselves saddled with an average of $40,000 worth of debt in the form of student loans. Knowing that this age group also has an average salary of less than $35,000 per year, one must wonder how they… Continue reading Millennials, money and bankruptcy...
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On Behalf of developers | April 20, 2018 | Bankruptcy
At the Pond Law Firm in Mississippi, we understand the difficulties you face when your earnings are insufficient to cover your bills. We also understand that you nevertheless hesitate to file bankruptcy for a variety of reasons that may or may not be valid. As reported by Time, bankruptcy myths abound. Here are the top five. Myth 1:… Continue reading Dispelling the top 5 bankruptcy myths...
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On Behalf of developers | April 5, 2018 | Bankruptcy
As debt mounts, you know there is no way you are going to pay it all off on your own. It’s just too much. You do have a job, and you are thankful for that, but it is not as if you’re making $100,000 per year. You and your family are living paycheck to paycheck.… Continue reading Why bankruptcy can be better than ongoing garnishments...
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On Behalf of developers | March 2, 2018 | Bankruptcy
If you are like most people, you probably think that bankruptcy is something that should be avoided at all costs. But, if you have recently found yourself behind on car payments or maybe the mortgage on your home in Jackson, and you are running out of options to get your debt under control, bankruptcy could… Continue reading 4 benefits of bankruptcy...
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On Behalf of developers | February 25, 2018 | Bankruptcy,Uncategorized
Many people may believe that once a recession has been declared over and most economic indicators point to a positive economy, the need for personal bankruptcy no longer exists. This could not be further from the truth and plenty of Mississippi residents are all too aware of their continued need for debt relief. As explained… Continue reading Bankruptcy filing data shows ongoing needs...
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