Helping Good People Get Out Of Bad Situations

Category: Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

How does a Chapter 13 repayment plan work during bankruptcy?

On Behalf of developers | May 21, 2020 | Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Most individuals considering bankruptcy will either file to Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, although there are many other kinds of available as well. One of the features that set Chapter 13 bankruptcy apart from Chapter 7 is the requirement for filers to complete a repayment plan as part of Chapter 13 proceedings. Those who… Continue reading How does a Chapter 13 repayment plan work during bankruptcy?...
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Reviewing the bankruptcy credit counseling requirement

On Behalf of developers | November 30, 2018 | Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

To you, bankruptcy may seem like a fairly “cut-and-dry” process: you file, disclose your debts, and then have them discharged. You likely thought that at no point would you be told that you had to go through credit counseling. Many in Jackson have come to us here at the Pond Law Firm with the same question that… Continue reading Reviewing the bankruptcy credit counseling requirement...
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Options to reduce credit card costs

On Behalf of developers | October 13, 2018 | Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Many people in Mississippi who find themselves with increasing levels of credit card debt may often wonder how in the world they can eventually make their debt decline instead of continue to grow. Even when making payments every month, interest rates, annual card fees or late fees can counteract their best efforts to get out… Continue reading Options to reduce credit card costs...
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Should I try to fast forward my Chapter 13 debt payment?

On Behalf of developers | September 27, 2018 | Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Sometimes financial fortunes in Mississippi can change quickly. You have received a large inheritance, or maybe your boss has given you a robust holiday bonus and even a big raise. No matter the reason, if you are in the middle of a Chapter 13 bankruptcy and have received a big financial windfall, you may want… Continue reading Should I try to fast forward my Chapter 13 debt payment?...
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Success can follow your bankruptcy

On Behalf of developers | June 28, 2018 | Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Nobody likes losing, and for some people in Mississippi, filing for bankruptcy feels like losing. What you are losing, however, are the stress and anxiety that an overwhelming amount of debt brings. What you are gaining is a fresh start, and everyone deserves a new start. It may help you to know that there are… Continue reading Success can follow your bankruptcy...
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Rapper asks permission to convert Chapter 13 to Chapter 11

On Behalf of developers | June 13, 2018 | Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

People in Jackson likely are willing to do all that they can in order to avoid financial struggles. Yet no one may be immune from having issues with debt. Oftentimes, those issues can become so overwhelming that bankruptcy protection is the only viable path for one to be able to reasonably return to enjoying a… Continue reading Rapper asks permission to convert Chapter 13 to Chapter 11...
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Bankruptcy trends in the U.S. and Mississippi

On Behalf of developers | June 3, 2018 | Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

It has been roughly a whole decade now since the Great Recession hit the United States. While many people in Mississippi have been enjoying the results of a healthier economy there continue to be many who struggle to make ends meet. Despite news reports these people are far from alone and in fact may represent… Continue reading Bankruptcy trends in the U.S. and Mississippi...
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Understanding Chapter 13 bankruptcy qualifications

On Behalf of developers | June 1, 2018 | Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

When you are neck deep in debt, it is easy to look around and feel as though you are the only one in Jackson struggling with such a problem. Trust us here at the Pond Law Firm when we tell you that you are certainly not alone. Debt can easily overwhelm anyone’s financial lives, leaving them (like… Continue reading Understanding Chapter 13 bankruptcy qualifications...
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Chapter 7 vs 13 bankruptcies

On Behalf of developers | March 21, 2018 | Chapter 13 Bankruptcy,Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Finding that one’s financial outlook is in a state of limbo can open the door to a world of stress. Mississippi residents already facing this daunting obstacle understand the severity of an economic crisis. While the right solution can depend entirely on one’s financial goals and situation, oftentimes bankruptcy can come to the rescue. Many… Continue reading Chapter 7 vs 13 bankruptcies...
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Getting through a chapter 13 bankruptcy

On Behalf of developers | March 8, 2018 | Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

There are many challenging aspects to personal financial management, but bankruptcy can be among the most overwhelming. Mississippi residents currently facing this obstacle may be wondering what might happen to their properties, their vehicles and their futures. Filing for bankruptcy can be a frightening time, but there are basics to be aware of when beginning… Continue reading Getting through a chapter 13 bankruptcy...
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