On Behalf of developers | July 4, 2018 | Medical Debt
If you are one of the lucky people in Mississippi who has health insurance, you know that even this protection does not guarantee that you will be able to afford the care you need if and when you should need it. The cost of health care in the United States is an all-too real concern for the average American and actually can become a source of serious debt and even lead people to the decision to file bankruptcy.
As reported by CNBC, some research evaluated the cost of health care across a total of 11 developed nations including the United States. Other countries included the United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Australia, the Netherlands, Denmark and France. Overall it was found that people utilized health care services at a relatively similar rate in these 11 countries. What differed, however, was the cost of that health care.
In 2013, an MRI might cost someone in Australia $350. A person in the Netherlands might pay just over $460. But in the U.S., the cost was $1,145. When it came to more major services, the discrepancy was even greater. A coronary artery bypass in the Netherlands had a price tag of less than $16,000 and in Switzerland of less than $37,000. In the U.S., the cost exceeded $75,000.
If you would like to learn more about the challenges people face when trying to make ends meet and pay medical expenses, please feel free to visit the health care costs and personal debt page of our Mississippi debt relief and bankruptcy website.